#1HGJ Entry – Bouncing Boxes

April 29, 2015



A quick entry for the OneHourGameJam entry: Bouncing Boxes.

Bouncing Boxes (for Windows)

Working on a game in an hour is a great way to learn the weaknesses about your development pipeline, be it in coding, art or audio.  The result is almost always a project that will get thrown away, seriously it took 60 minutes to make, but the experience is certain to teach you something and sharpen game development skills. Read the rest of this entry »

Development Equipment

April 28, 2015


Don’t skimp when it comes to buying a good setup to use for development, especially if you spend most of your time developing.  A few years back I was lucky enough to work for a company that provided better than needed equipment.  I had been using a small keyboard with flat keys that came standard with the Mac machine, and made a comment about missing the Read the rest of this entry »

Portal Miner Post Mortem

April 22, 2015

Play Portal Miner:

Going into LudumDare 32 a team formed, my girlfriend, Dizzy, wanted to help with art using InkScape as she had done during LD27 in our Feeding Time game.  Mmango had also been interested in doing the audio, sound and music, and I would take point to keep the team together and do the programming.  This would be the first event where I would

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The Big Picture

April 12, 2015


Looking around here it isn’t hard to see that I have a passion for programming.  One may even be able to gather that I am also interested in racing.  For years I have been wanting to develop my own racing simulator, much like Live For Speed or iRacing, and have started to Read the rest of this entry »

Collaborative Project: APRIL

April 9, 2015


This screenshot doesn’t show the action of attacking and defending units, but in the last few days I’ve been leading a small team on a collaborative project: APRIL.  The project is Read the rest of this entry »

Building the TurtleBrains Framework

April 7, 2015


I started writing a C++ game framework more than two years ago.  It is not the first framework I’ve written, my hard-drive is littered with frameworks and engines laying around in various states from incomplete to still working. Read the rest of this entry »

Relative Paths with Mac Application

April 5, 2015


Last week I released the first project developed with the TurtleBrains framework into the wild lands of the public. A few people even downloaded the Basic Pong game and let me know that worked on their system. The initial release on the Mac side was a little unfriendly to users, Read the rest of this entry »