May 2019 Review


  • Total income: $262.20 without personal investments
  • Total income: $4364.69 with personal investments
  • Total expenses: $526.95
  • Total hours: 155.75
The start of May was a continuation of the slump that started after the work-work trip in April. After grabbing the Finish Good Games that Sell training program a new energy burst propelled me out of the dip in productivity. The prospect of learning new things lit the match. In the process of following FGGS I confirmed that coming up with lots of ideas then choosing the best is a great path forward. Also a new approach in coming up with ideas that have more potential for audience interest. IE design a game other players want vs I want to make this game. Following the skill building path I also started practicing art a fair bit more seriously than I had previously. The car above was the first of a bunch of cutesy cars that I created in May and is also available to others for use in their games, commercial or not. To get the car, and a more detailed breakdown, support Tim Beaudet on Patreon by the end June.  

What was Learned

Skill Building Increases Motivation

As mentioned at the end of April a work-work trip derailed my indie productivity and it was hard to get back on track. Grabbing the FGGS training program helped lift motivation with the potential learning. During the month I also started skill building art and typing skills fairly heavily. This should help the indie adventure by having better looking art and efficiency at typing will speed up some parts of development. Support Tim Beaudet on Patreon for “The Best Racecar”, more detailed breakdowns and other rewards, or assist non-financially by sharing this post to others.

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